Mission Vatsalya envisages a robust ecosystem through the network of state and local governments to ensure the safety and security of children in the country. These local bodies must be able to reach out to children, engage with communities and encourage them to take ownership of the wellbeing of Children in their areas.

Hence, under the existing Standing/Sub-Committee system of the local bodies, the function of child welfare and protection issues may be assigned to the existing committee of the urban local body/Panchayati Raj Institution/Gram Panchayat which deals with issues of social justice/welfare of women and children. The notification assigning the function of child welfare and protection measures to the concerned committee may be issued by the competent authority of the local body.

These Committees may be supported for service delivery provision at all levels, to strengthen the framework of child protection in the Country. The District Child Protection Officer (WCD), District Social Welfare Officer, Child Development Project Offices may render all assistance in terms of information, reports, to strengthen the Committees.

Major Functions of the Child Welfare and Protection Committees:

  • Ensuring safe public spaces and child friendly atmosphere in the villages/block/ward areas.
  • Advise all Village Gram Panchayats to include in Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) provision for support to women and child related activities.
  • Ensure provision of municipal budget for women and children in urban ward areas.
  • Inspection and assessment of implementation of schemes and programs for children in the area.
  • To ensure survey of all children with special needs likely to be in difficult circumstances, orphans, street children etc., and take appropriate actions so that no child is left behind.
  • To discuss the status of vulnerable children who are missing, school drop-outs, trafficked victims, migrant children, beggars, orphan, and take appropriate action for their wellbeing.
  • To hold special campaigns and awareness drives for promoting child rights and ensuring child protection.
  • Ensure support to DCPUs, CWCs, JJBs and SJPUs in carrying out their roles under Juvenile Justice Act/Rules.
  • To boost volunteerism in the area of Juvenile Justice and Child Protection.
  • To roll out convergent activities fostering rehabilitation and social re-integration of children such as career counselling, skill training enrolment, apprenticeship enrolment, sports clubs/camps, etc.
  • Reporting to District Magistrate through DCPU regarding vulnerability hot- spots and strategy devised for addressing it.
  • To organize Bal Panchayats and appoint child Ambassadors in Villages from amongst children in schools etc.; and lay down necessary inputs from children on various issues before Gram Panchayats for appropriate action.