There shall be a State Child Welfare and Protection Committee under the Chairpersonship of the Principal Secretary/Secretary WCD/DSJE to supervise implementation of Mission Vatsalya with the help of the State Child Protection Society (SCPS). This Committee will prepare an annual action plan including financial proposal for the state and submit to the Ministry for approval. This Committee shall closely monitor and review the working of structures, services and progress under various components of Mission Vatsalya and hold quarterly review meetings with District Child Welfare and Protection Committees for effective implementation of the scheme. The State Committee shall take needful measures for advocacy, awareness generation, capacity building, of all stakeholders on child rights and child welfare, and address road-blocks, issues, complaints received regarding care and protection of children in the State. The State Committee shall make special efforts for convergence so as to ensure benefits under all possible government welfare schemes for the children. The State Committee shall ensure that all institutions are set up under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, and Rules thereof. The Chairperson may invite any other domain expert/statutory body/invitees/departments to attend the meeting of the Committee.