Mission Vatsalya provides the following Care, Support & Rehabilitation Services:

1. Institutional Services

  • Children’s Homes:  Children’s Homes are establisjed to receive childen who are in need of residential care and protection during the pendency of any inquiry and subsequently for their long term care and rehabilitation.

  • Observation Homes:  Observation Homes are established for the temporary reception of children in conflict with law during the pendency of their inquiry before the Juvenile Justice Boards.

  • Special Home:  Special Homes are set up for reception and rehabilitation of juveniles in conflict with law. On completion of inquiry, if the JJB is of pinion that that the child needs to be placed in institution, an order is passed for placing the child in a special home for his/her rehabilitiation.

  • Place of Safety:  Any place or institution, other than a police lock up or jail that can temporarily receive and take care of children alleged or found to be in conflict with law. This institutio is meant for a person above the age of 18 years or a child between 16 to 18 years of age who is accused of or convicted for committing a heinous crime.

  • Open shelter:  It is meant for vulberablechildren (homeless, street children, drug addicts, beggars, etc) in rural/semi urban areas. It is a short-term community-based facility for children in need of residential support that protects them from abuse.

  • Fit Facility:  Referes to facility being run by a Governmental organisation or a voluntary or non-governmental organisation registered under any law for the time being in force to be fit to temporarily take the responsibility of a child for a specifice purpose. It also includes facilities for group foster care.

  • Specialised Adoption Agency:  An institution established by the State Government or by a voluntary/nongovernmental organisation for housing orphans, abandoned and surrendered children, placed there by order of the CWC, for the purpose of adoption.

2. Non Institutional Care Services

  • Sponsorship::  Sponsorship provides supplementary financial support to such familits, children’s homes and special homes to meet the educational, medical, nutritional and other needs of children in order to improve the quality of their lives.

  • Foster care::  Foster care is an arrangement usually on a temporary basis whereby a child lives with an extended or unrelated family members.

  • Adoption::  Adoption is a process through which a child who is permanently separated from bological parents because her/his patents have died, or have abandoned or surrendered her/him, becomes a legitimate child of a new set of parents. Children must be declared legally free for adoption by the Child Welfare Committee. The parents can register in the website www.cara.nic.in and upload all the relevant documents.

  • Aftercare::  It provides financial support to children who leave institutional care ater attaining 18 years to facilitate child’s reintegration into the mainstream of the society and to help them transition to independent life.