The District Magistrate shall chair the District Child Welfare and Protection Committee in every District. It shall be responsible for the effective implementation of Mission Vatsalya. The District Magistrate shall hold quarterly review meetings of the Committee. The District Child Welfare and Protection Committee shall be assisted by District Child Protection Unit (DCPU), to supervise and monitor the activities as well as the overall implementation of Mission Vatsalya at the district level based on district- specific indicators, to be developed in the process of implementation of the scheme. The Committee with the assistance of DCPU shall conduct periodic and regular mapping of all Child related services at districts for creating a resource directory and making the information available to the Committees and Boards from time to time, assess the number of children in difficult circumstances and create district specific data bases to monitor trends and patterns of children in difficult circumstances. The Committee shall also facilitate the implementation of non-institutional care programmes including sponsorship, Foster Care and After Care at the district level. The Committee with the assistance of DCPU may also frame a media and communication plan to generate awareness among the public on various aspects of the Mission for the rehabilitation and procedures for better protection of children. It shall make special efforts towards convergence with other government departments to ensure the benefits of government welfare schemes reach the children in the district.