Every district shall have a Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee to review and sanction sponsorship (for preventive settings only) and Foster Care fund. The composition of the Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee SFCAC is given below :
Sl. no. | Members | Designation |
1 | District Magistrate | Chairperson |
2 | Chairperson/Member, Child Welfare Committee | Member | 3 | Representative of Specialized Adoption Agency (SAA) | Member |
4 | Representative of a Voluntary Organisation working in the area of Child Protection | Member |
5 | District Child Protection Officer | Member Secretary |
6 | Protection Officer (Non-Institutional Care) | Member |
Roles and Responsibilities of Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee (SFCAC) :
- Every district will have a Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee (SFCAC) to implement and monitor the Sponsorship and Foster Care programme as provided under the Mission.
- The Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee will review each recommendation and approve cases of Sponsorship and Foster Care support in all cases found deserving by it. The deserving cases will then be referred to Child Welfare Committee for the final order for Sponsorship/Foster Care as the case may be.
- A Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee (SFCAC) will be responsible in each district to sanction sponsorship and Foster Care on receipt of final order from the CWC.
- The SFCAC shall meet every month and function in a time bound manner. The decision upon a request shall be taken within three months from the date of the receipt of the application.
- An annual review will be conducted for each child under Sponsorship/Foster Care by the SFCAC to determine if the child is being well taken care of and has is well adjusted. On the basis of this review the approval for continued sponsorship support will be given.
- The SFCAC will review if the DCPU has made adequate efforts for family strengthening though convergence with other Departments.
- The SFCAC will review and recommend the termination of the family based sponsorship service.